Sunday, May 6, 2007

It Happened To Me

There is this really great section in Marie Claire magazine called, "It Happened To Me". I love it, because it is a monthly article dedicated to scribe personal, traumatic stories of various normal women. (Just like you and I!) So, one woman, one tragic story per month. On one hand, it is completely captivating to read the stories, as they seem sooooo unreal and unbelievable. But yet on another, it's not like I have to remind myself that horrible things happen to women. Duh. Anyway...

(note: I have been reading a lot of Oprah magazines lately, hence the influence...hahha)

It Happened To Me

I didn't know this before I went into the hospital for back surgery, but as it turns out, I am definitely allergic to latex. I only discovered this after I arrived home for the hospital and took halting notice at the awfully itching, burning, thick, thick rash lining my new scar. Like an over sized window frame, my rash went from high up my back into the small crack of my ass, circumventing my new tiny, puffy little railroad track. I didn't have to think back too far, to realize that indeed, this was the previous location of my pressure bandage aka super latex, full-on contact, for 3 full days bandage.

Good Gad," I thought to myself when I painfully twisted to look at it in my (0ur) bathroom mirror. "How could this happen to me?". Me of all people. Why me?? Why me?? For Christ's sake, I just had back surgery. I'm an innocent, harmless woman. How could the doctors not know??? I thought of all the latex I was exposed to and then the terrible image of the surgeon and nurses digging out disc tissue, outta my back, fully adorned in their latex gloves tearfully came to mind. Then came the hives.

"I felt my stomach drop and my pulse start to race."

I had weird and individual-type rashes in several places, including on the back of my hands and under my armpits. URGHGHGHSHFISJDFLSSDSHITFUCKSHITFUCK!!! I felt helpless and out of control. I knew only a miracle would save me.

"'Good Gad,' I thought to myself..."

As it turns out I have a fantastic doctor and a fantastic friend who drove me to my appointment. I had booked an appt previously to remove my railway ties and so while I was in the office, I took the opportunity to mention my rashes. That was when my fears were confirmed. I am allergic to latex. I felt my stomach drop and my pulse start to race. What I had hoped wasn't true, was, and all I could do was get rash cream and be very careful in the future.

My future luckily looks bright. Unconsciously I have been weeding out latex for some time now (several years) and I can't help but wonder if my body knew all along about this allergy. For instance, last year I gave up the Keeper (latex) and replaced it with a DivaCup (silicone). As well, I started only to wear nitrile gloves in the lab. So the transition hasn't been that hard, actually. And with a loving boyfriend, his support has seen me through this difficult diagnosis.

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